How to Improve Dishwasher Performance – Simple Tips To Make Your Life Easy

Can you picture your kitchen without a dishwasher? A big NO here if you are on the go all day. You will be thanking this giant washing vessel at the end of the day for its services. But you know what, only thanking is not enough you have to take care of it by following some tips and cautions.

Today, I’m going to tell you the tips and tricks that will make the best out of your dishwasher. by following these tips, you will extend the lifespan of this workhorse. So let’s see what I have got for you:

1.      Clear leftover food

The most important thing in the dishwasher is its filter, and if it gets clogged, you will not get the best cleaning from your dishwasher. You need to clear off all the leftover food from the dishes. I’m not asking to rinse them but just wipe the leftovers; that’s it.

2.      Don’t Underestimate The Detergent

You might be throwing dishwasher tablets or detergent into the dishwasher, but that is not a good practice. The bad quality of dishwasher detergents can lead to defecting the machine. From the bad quality, we mean the one with bleaching agents.

The Cascade pure and Finish pure dishwashing detergents are some of the best choices for cleaning.

3.      Run Boiling Hot Water

The hot water works best for cleaning the dishes perfectly. Usually, the water connection to the dishwasher shares the same connection as the sink faucet. So you can run the hot water tap until it gets to 120 degrees and then start your dishwasher.

Moreover, you can also set the water heater to 120 degrees for the best cleaning results.

4.      Clean It Thoroughly

You will be putting dirty dishes now, and then, so you need to clean the dishwasher thoroughly once a month, if not in 2 weeks. For deep cleaning, you need to remove all the detachable parts and then place a vinegar bowl. Now run the dishwasher to a full cycle and wipe it off with a damp cloth. Also, wash the dishwasher parts and wipe the outside with a wet cloth.

5.      Tackle Hard Water

If you dwell in an area where the water condition is hard, there are strong chances of getting spotty and ugly dishes out of the dishwasher. You can check the water for hardness and then install a water softener kit for the best cleaning results.

6.      Load Dishes More Thoughtfully

When loading dishes, don’t pile up everything on one another. This way, you will be blocking the spray arms. Also, don’t load the half dishwasher unless you have fewer dishes to do. This way, you will be wasting energy, water, and time.

7.      Select The Cycle Wisely

Different dishwashers have different wash cycles. Most commonly, the dishwasher has a normal process and a heavy cycle. You can go for a normal cycle while for the greasy pans and pots, you can select the heavy cycle. All the dishwashers come with their instruction manual; give it a read and then thoughtfully choose the cycle.

8.      Clear The Dishwasher From Clogs

Eventually, you will be loading dishes, and despite wiping the food leftovers, clogs can and may happen in the dishwashers. You can check the spray arms and drains for clogs. You can use a prickle or a toothpick to clear up the debris in such a case.


Taking care of your dishwasher is a must if you want to make it last longer. If you follow proper cautions and tips, you can make it last more than 10 years. In this guide, we tried to provide the best advice for getting the optimal results from your dishwasher. Follow these, and you will have a durable workhorse for your kitchen.

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